On this Veterans Day observance, the Town of Atlantic Beach gratefully acknowledges an $18,000 grant from the Brent Milgrom Family Foundation of Charlotte, NC. The grant will cover the entire cost for relocating the three existing 40-foot flagpoles to make way for the installation of a new 80-foot flagpole memorial at the entrance to the Circle. The taller structure with a nautical cross-arm will allow for the flying of much larger American, State, and Town flags which will make for a very impressive and patriotic sight as one crosses the high-rise bridge into our town. In fact, this was one of the Milgrom family’s stated desires for their gift to the citizens and visitors to Atlantic Beach.

“We are really grateful for the contribution of Mr. Milgrom and his family’s foundation,” stated Atlantic Beach Mayor Trace Cooper, “anyone who has crossed the Atlantic Beach Bridge in the past few years has seen the flags we fly and knows that we are serious about honoring our flag and the veterans who have fought under it. This gift from the Brent Milgrom Family Foundation will enhance our efforts by allowing for a much larger flag to be seen as you crest the bridge and head into Atlantic Beach.”


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