AB Beach Music Festival Sponsorship Opportunities
The Town of Atlantic Beach is proud to present the 6th Annual AB Beach Music Festival on the boardwalk at the Circle on Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
This year’s festival will feature The Embers, Jim Quick and Coastline, Mighty Saints of Soul, Blackwater Rhythm & Blues and Steve Owens and Summertime Band!
Our sponsors will be invited to Business After Hours at the Doubletree by Hilton on Tuesday, May 14 featuring The Band of Oz and a Sponsor’s Reception at Memories Beach Club
on Friday, May 17.
New for 2019, you can submit your Sponsorship Form by clicking here: Beach Music Festival Online Sponsorship Form
The Sponsorship and Food Vendor form are also attached to this email and can be returned to Morgan at Town Hall.
Visit our website and Facebook event page for more info!