Rodney Kemp Presents The Big Rock in 1962 @ The History Place
Linda Cornwall, daughter of the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament’s “Bump” Styron, along with Rodney Kemp will discuss and show the movie, “MARLIN ON THE MIND.” This 30 minute movie highlights the tournament in its infancy around 1962. A CD of the movie will be available for sale after the program.
Book Signing with Tom Gill @ Caribsea
In collaboration with Transportation Impact, Caribsea is proud to host a book signing by Emerald Isle resident Tom Gill,
author of The Bridge, and the Just released sequel, Return to Emerald Isle.
Morehead City Easter Egg Hunt and Fun Run 2017 @ Rotary Park
The Annual Morehead City Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at Rotary Park located at 2200 Mayberry Loop Road in Morehead City.
The egg hunt activity areas will be divided into three sections by the following age groups: 4 & under, 5-8, and 9-12. NO PETS PLEASE!!
Plan to arrive early since the egg hunt will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. Although thousands of eggs will be in each age section, kids tend to clean up these toy and candy-filled eggs much faster than they clean their rooms!!
Don’t be late so you won’t miss out on all the fun of this great family event.
Following the egg hunt, there will be a family 1-mile fun run. Come join the fun at 10:00 AM.
For more information, please call 252-726-5083.
Beaufort Historic Association’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt @ Beaufort Historic Site
Children ages seven (7) and younger are invited to search for hidden eggs filled with candy and enjoy light refreshments.
Bring you Easter basket and arrive early to position yourself for the start of the hunt. The hunt begins at 11:00 sharp.
Camp Albemarle Easter Egg Hunt @ Camp Albemarle
Event is hosted by First United Methodist Church in Morehead City and will also feature a picnic lunch.
Cannon Day @ Fort Macon State Park
Demonstration times: 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Learn how Civil War cannons function during this event.